by Glen Rains
by Guido Schnabel
Written by: Emily Cabrera, IPM Communications Coordinator Expert/Source: Ash Sial, Blueberry Entomologist Blueberry growers got up close and personal last week at a special blueberry insect IPM learning session in Alma, Georgia. Over the past few years, a range of blueberry insects have battered the industry in the southeast, so learning to recognize pests at…
Written By: Emily Cabrera, UGA IPM Communications Coordinator Expert/Source: Ash Sial, UGA IPM Coordinator and blueberry entomologist An impressive team of University of Georgia researchers just received $765,000 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Crop Protection and Pest Management Program that supports the continuation of integrated pest management programming throughout the state…
Written By: Emily Cabrera, IPM Communications CoordinatorExpert/Source: Dr. Carmen Blubaugh, Allison Stawara, Christiana Huss, Jon Golan, Julia Berliner Organic farmers in the southeast may have struggled to find resources and support to help combat pests, but now University of Georgia Insect Ecology professor Dr. Carmen Blubaugh and her team is on the case researching ways…
Posted in: beneficials, biodiversity, biological control, cover crops, cultural control, insect pests, organic, Research, vegetables -
Written By: Emily Cabrera, IPM Communications CoordinatorExpert/Source: Bob Kemerait As weather in south Georgia turns hot and humid – with rain in the forecast – the spread of fungal diseases in corn, peanut and soybean is advancing quickly. University of Georgia Extension Plant Pathology Specialist, Bob Kemerait, is urging county Extension agents to take action…
Written By: Emily CabreraExperts/Sources: Dr. Keith Delaplane, University of Georgia professor, Cindy Hodges, Master Craftsman Beekeeper, Moreen Rebeira, Certified Beekeeper After two decades, drawing from twenty-two states and two countries, the Georgia Master Beekeeper Program has just welcomed its 1000th participant. If you’ve ever attempted beekeeping, you probably know it’s not simply a matter of…
A new in-service training series is set to begin this fall that will provide Extension agents in the southeast with the latest information on integrated pest management within various commodity areas. Trainings will be led by specialists from the University of Georgia with invited speakers from institutions within the Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium (SRSFC).…
Written By: Ash Sial, University of Georgia Blueberry Entomologist The spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is an invasive and economically important pest of many soft-skinned fruits such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, and other. Since its first detection in California in 2008, SWD spread rapidly across the United States. It…
Posted in: Blueberry, chemical control, commercial, cultural control, insect pests, Monitoring, organic