Written by: Emily Cabrera, UGA IPM Communications Coordinator Expert/Source: Phil Brannen, Fruit Pathologist, University of Georgia The Southern Integrated Pest Management Center (Southern IPM Center) has inducted University of Georgia Cooperative Extension fruit pathologist Phil Brannen into the Integrated Pest Management Hall of Fame for his significant contributions to commercial fruit growers throughout the Southern U.S. over the past 30 years. Each year, the…
Written by: Emily Cabrera, UGA IPM Communications Coordinator Expert/Source: Juan Carlos Díaz-Pérez, University of Georgia Horticulture Professor For nearly three decades, Juan Carlos Díaz-Pérez has been contributing to the field of sustainable vegetable production, focusing on organic agriculture as a professor in the University of Georgia Department of Horticulture. This month, Georgia Organics is recognizing his work with the 2022 Land…
Written by: Emily Cabrera, UGA IPM Communications Coordinator Experts/Sources: Elizabeth McCarty, Forest Health Specialist, University of Georgia and Rebekah Wallace, EDDMapS Coordinator & Bugwood Images Coordinator, Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health As of June 2022, North Carolina has an established population of Lycorma delicatula, an invasive insect pest of trees and vines including a…
Written by: Ash Sial, Department of Entomology, University of Georgia Spotted-wing drosophila (SWD, Drosophila suzukii) is an invasive pest of soft skinned fruit in the United States and has been detected throughout the southeast. Infestations were observed in some blueberries. SWD damage is similar to blueberry maggot. Female flies lay their eggs in ripening and ripe…
Written by: Heather Kolich, Forsyth County Extension Coordinator, University of Georgia Driving around the county recently, I’ve noticed numerous pastures with some to a lot of coverage in blooming buttercups. While the yellow flowers add pleasant color to the landscape, their presence in the pasture is a potentially toxic nuisance to livestock. BIOLOGYButtercups (Ranunculus spp.)…
Written by: Bob Kemerait, Pathologist, University of Georgia Greetings, The picture above was sent to me from south Florida (near the town of Jupiter) by a friend of mine working in the chemical industry. In the picture, you see field corn that is “covered up” with southern corn rust, the disease of greatest concern to…
Posted in: Uncategorized -
Written by: Emily Cabrera, UGA IPM Communications CoordinatorExpert/Source: Dr. Brett Blaauw, Assistant Professor & Peach Specialist, University of Georgia A new insect wreaking havoc in your cotton field? Troublesome disease in your peanut stand you don’t recognize? No idea where to start? Well, there’s an app for that. This year, farmers have a new tool…
Written By: Emily Cabrera, IPM Communications CoordinatorExpert/Source: Dr. Brett Blaauw, Peach Entomologist With the onset of warmer, longer days, an array of pink blooms from peach, cherry, and plum trees break forth – the first signs of spring. And while most of us enjoy this seasonal shift, fruit tree growers prepare their orchards for the…
Posted in: chemical control, commercial, cultural control, homeowner, insect pests, Monitoring, Peaches, Prevention -
Ash Sial1, James Jacobs2, Zack Williams3, and Renee Allen31Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, 2UGA Extension, Pierce County, and 3UGA Extension, Bacon County Although blueberry gall midge has historically been referred to as a rabbiteye problem, recently it has been reported to be a concern in some southern highbush fields. The majority of the highbush…