Written By: Emily Cabrera, IPM Communications CoordinatorExpert Source: Andrew Sawyer, Southeast District Area Pecan Agent After a year of thoughtful planning and collaboration, young pecan trees have finally been planted in what will serve as both long-term research plots and short-term demonstration plots at the University of Georgia Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center in…
Posted in: cultural control, Demonstration, disease, disease resistant varieties, Irrigation, Pecan, Research, Variety Selection, weeds -
Written by: Heather Kolich, Forsyth County Extension Coordinator, University of Georgia Driving around the county recently, I’ve noticed numerous pastures with some to a lot of coverage in blooming buttercups. While the yellow flowers add pleasant color to the landscape, their presence in the pasture is a potentially toxic nuisance to livestock. BIOLOGYButtercups (Ranunculus spp.)…
Written by: Emily Cabrera, UGA IPM Communications CoordinatorExpert/Source: Dr. Brett Blaauw, Assistant Professor & Peach Specialist, University of Georgia A new insect wreaking havoc in your cotton field? Troublesome disease in your peanut stand you don’t recognize? No idea where to start? Well, there’s an app for that. This year, farmers have a new tool…
Written by: Emily CabreraExpert Source: Nick Basinger, Assistant Professor of Weed Science, Crop and Soil Sciences The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals said earlier this month they are pulling registrations for the use of all dicamba products for row-crop production. This herbicide has been around since the late 1960’s, but became more widely used with…
Written By: Emily Cabrera, IPM Communications Coordinator Expert Source: Eric Prostko, Extension Weed Specialist University of Georgia Extension weed specialist Eric Prostko spoke to growers about current pesticide applicator regulations and weed control strategies for the 2020 season at this year’s Northeast Georgia Soybean Production Meeting in Bowman. Prostko emphasized starting “clean”, using multiple residual…