Interested in learning about integrated pest management options for blueberries? Need pesticide credits? Register for the Virtual Extension IPM Blueberry Field Day and join in next Tuesday, April 7th, 2020 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (EST). Register at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1714103849236858380
Written By: Emily CabreraExperts/Sources: Dr. Keith Delaplane, University of Georgia professor, Cindy Hodges, Master Craftsman Beekeeper, Moreen Rebeira, Certified Beekeeper After two decades, drawing from twenty-two states and two countries, the Georgia Master Beekeeper Program has just welcomed its 1000th participant. If you’ve ever attempted beekeeping, you probably know it’s not simply a matter of…
Written By: Emily Cabrera Expert Sources: Jason Schmidt, Extension Entomologist The future of food and farms is largely dependent on the collective effort of us all to support more sustainable practices in agriculture. It’s not enough to just be profitable. Agricultural lands have the potential to be some of the most biodiverse landscapes in our…
Written By: Emily Cabrera, IPM Communications Coordinator Expert Source: Shimat Joseph, Assistant Professor Entomology Home gardens and urban landscapes have the potential to provide a vast array of habitat for valuable beneficial insects and pollinators, but that doesn’t mean you have to allow pests, weeds and diseases to go unchecked. “Find that balance. You should…