cultural control
Written By: Emily Cabrera, IPM Communications CoordinatorExpert Source: Bhabesh Dutta, Extension Plant Pathologist A particularly nasty fungus is making a comeback across vegetable fields in the South but research efforts by UGA specialists hope to give farmers the refined tools they need to stop it in its tracks. Alternaria Leaf Spot (ALS), also referred to…
Written By: Emily Cabrera, IPM Communications Coordinator Expert Source: Phillip Roberts, Extension Entomologist In 2019, soybeans were planted on 100,000 acres in Georiga. At this month’s Northeast Georgia Soybean Production Meeting in Bowman, University of Georgia Extension specialists provided updates for growers going into the 2020 season. Extension entomologist Phillip Roberts provided the insect pest…
Posted in: biological control, chemical control, commercial, Commodity, cultural control, insect pests, Monitoring, row crop, Soybean -
San Jose Scale are predicted to be particularly bad this year for peach growers, as this pest is active in temperatures over 51oF, “so we’ve already had a lot of days for this pest population to grow” said Dr. Brett Blaauw, UGA Peach Entomologist. “This pest is so pervasive in the southeast that we really…