Written by: Ash Sial, Department of Entomology, University of Georgia
Spotted-wing drosophila (SWD, Drosophila suzukii) is an invasive pest of soft skinned fruit in the United States and has been detected throughout the southeast. Infestations were observed in some blueberries. SWD damage is similar to blueberry maggot. Female flies lay their eggs in ripening and ripe fruit, and larvae develop internally. SWD larvae are much smaller than blueberry maggot larvae, and unlike blueberry maggot, SWD can have multiple, overlapping generations during blueberry harvest. Therefore, risk of SWD may be higher than blueberry maggot. Adult male SWD can be distinguished from native, non pest Drosophila spp. by a single spot on the end of both wings. Females can be distinguished by their relatively large and heavily serrated ovipositor. Traps may indicate SWD presence on your farm, but do not predict fruit infestation. If SWD has been found on or near your farm, preventative insecticide applications are recommended beginning when fruit begins to color through the end of harvest. Insecticides should be applied at least weekly and reapplied after rain events. Rotate insecticides from IRAC Groups (color-coded below) with each application to minimize resistance risks. Work with your marketer to be sure you fully comply with export regulations for recipient countries of choice. [THE LABEL IS THE LAW – Always read the label and follow label directions] (Efficacy Ratings: E = Excellent, G = Good, F = Fair)