Written By: Emily Cabrera, IPM Communications Coordinator
Expert Source: Tim Coolong, Extension Vegetable Specialist
University of Georgia Extension Vegetable Specialist Timothy Coolong spoke to vegetable growers this month in Blairsville about the latest research in variety testing of selected crops for north Georgia. Vegetable growers “above the fall line” are encouraged to consider the following varieties this upcoming growing season based on the 2019 field trial results which have been summarized below.
Sweet Corn:
- Varieties:
- 7143 good in spring and fall
- Stellar XR did better in spring
- 2974 did slightly better in spring
- Awesome XR slightly better in fall
- Obsession II, a GMO variety performed better in the fall
- If you are willing to do the wok, transplants can help you get to market about 1 month earlier.
- Early varieties don’t do well / later varieties provide longer planting window
- Do not transplant less than 72 days
- Quality good at 76 days
- Do not keep transplants more than 20 days, less if growing an early maturing variety
- Plastic mulch – 1ft row spacing, two plants per cell, using a 128-count tray
- Organic growers can avoid pest pressure by planting early
- Varieties: much of the new breeding focused in the southeast has included Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) resistance, which is vectored by whiteflies.
- Red Bounty (Harris and Moran)
- Fusarium wilt 1-2
- Verticillium wilt
- Grey leaf spot
- Root-knot nematode
- SV7631 (Seminis)
- Alternaria stem canker
- Fusarium wilt 1-3
- Verticillium wilt
- Grey leaf spot
- Root-knot nematode
- Bejo 3040 (Bejo)
- Better yields in spring in S. Georgia
- Strong plant
- Grand Marshall
- Similar yields to 3040 in spring
- Better heat set than 3040
- Red Bounty (Harris and Moran)
- Red Bounty and 7631 have been around for a few years, but Bejo 3040 and Grand Marshall are a little newer.
- Varieties:
- Emerald Crown is the top choice
- Doesn’t purple after cold snap/late frost (but need to keep potassium up)
- Strong yields
- Requires multiple picks 56-80 days
- Green Magic does a little better in cooler temps
- Very versatile (crowns, bunches, etc.)
- Tends to stretch quickly in the heat
- Earlier than Emerald Crown by about a week
- Emerald Crown is the top choice
- Need larger plant spacing than broccoli
- Need cold temperatures to induce flowering (vernalization), but is less cold tolerant than broccoli
- Crown is sensitive to cold – browning or “pinking” may occur
- The main season types require cold temps more-so than very early types
- Can work well in the fall, but if planted too early, will just keep growing without setting flower. Consider using a semi-tropical type.
- Varieties:
- Early Colonia/Fujiyama (56-58 DAT – transplanted Oct 1 in South Georgia)
- Later Flamenco, Minuteman, Ponderet
- Casper – had the best leaf “wrap” around the crown (late though)
- Sierra Madre and Kalmanth (very late) both had good wraps
- Stress: age, cold, etc.
- Also sensitive to low boron:
- Recognized by hollow stems, as with broccoli
- Use wider spacing (10”) compared to broccoli
- Also sensitive to low boron:
Brussels Sprouts:
- Need to plant around mid-summer in North Georgia, later in South to get enough plant growth for sprout production before it gets cold.
- Variety:
- Speedia did well in 2019 field trials
- Two weeks earlier than other varieties
- If growing summer lettuces look for heat tolerance, and consider planting under shaded high-tunnels.
- Varieties (wide range):
- Romaine and mini-romaine varieties
- Summer crisp (leaf type) – heat tolerant
- Magenta
- Nevada – slow-growing, more heat tolerant
- Salanova – easy to cut (8 types)
- Butterheads
- Try to find intermediate day type varieties
- Make sure the “neck” is dry for good storage
- Where stem meets bulb is critical point in which bacteria enter